Monday, September 9, 2013

Weekend in Review & Exciting News!

Well, another great weekend is in the books! This was our last low key weekend for a while. We've got Asher's birthday party next weekend, Bentley's party the weekend after that, and then we're going to the beach the first weekend in October! Yay!

Friday night we went to the Halloween store. Brayden has been talking about what he wants to be for Halloween for several weeks. He changes his mind pretty often so I'm not committing to anything until we get closer. Anyway, I told him we'd go to the Halloween store to get some ideas. He fell in love with several costumes, but I think he decided what he wants to be for sure. We didn't buy it so we'll give him a couple of weeks and make sure he still wants to be that. If he doesn't change his mind, he will more than likely be . . . a firefighter! :) I'm very happy with that choice so I hope he doesn't change his mind. At first he was leaning towards a tv character and I really want to avoid that!

After we left the Halloween store we went to eat dinner at one of my favorites! This was our view and it is even more beautiful at night than it is during the day.
Saturday we didn't do very much. Just went and got groceries and went to the park for a little bit. Saturday night we went down to the barn to have a little fun with the Thornburg clan. Debbie recently bought a horse swing that they hang from the rafters in the barn and the kids LOVE it.

Sunday we went to church, hung around the house, took a boat ride with Papa, and went back to church. The boat ride started out like this:
About halfway through, though, he ended up like this:

I'm pretty excited to announce a few things about my blog! I have officially bought my own domain name for my blog. The web address is now: It will redirect you if you type in my old blog address, but I'm not sure how long that lasts. I've also signed up with Diamond Doll Designs to have my blog designed. I'm on the list for October so it will be a little while before my blog looks different, but I can't wait!

Hope you had a great weekend friends!


  1. I always see those horse swings at Christmas village. I really want to get one or two for my boys. You actually let Brayden choose his Halloween costume?! You are a brave woman! :) I "guide" Walker's choices, lol. This year he did have a say in it but we stumbled upon it when we weren't looking and I was happy about his choice because it is something he is really into right now. I dread the day he wants to be a character! Love the news about your blog! :)

  2. You made my heart skip a beat with that "exciting news!" comment, but I thought, "Surely she wouldn't tell me through a blog post!" :)
    Anyway, I can't wait to see the new look.
