Thursday, November 14, 2013

Bentley's First Sleepover!

Bentley spent the night with me for the first time ever on Saturday night! Tyler worked at the fire department Saturday night so I knew it would be the perfect night because Bent & I would have the bed to ourselves. I won't lie, I was a little nervous about it. I was worried Brayden would want to sleep in my bed with us (& I guess I'm not a very nice mom for making him sleep in his own bed) (it's just the he sleeps SO much better in his own bed), I was worried Brayden would come to get in my bed in the wee hours of the morning like he very often does and would not be happy that he couldn't lay right by me, I was worried that Bent would cry or wake up in the middle of the night and want her mom. But, I worried for nothing because NONE of those things happened! Brayden slept all night in his bed until about 6:30 Sunday morning, Bentley slept all night, only waking up 2 times for a paci and a drink. It could not have gone smoother.

We started out the night at Nana's watching the football game.

We headed home at half time and pretty much went straight to bed.

The next morning Brayden came in and joyfully woke us up by saying very loudly "Where's Bent?!!" After that, he climbed up in the bed right by Bentley and started talking to her. I realize they look asleep in this picture, but I promise they were awake and talking. I thought it was so precious!

Even though I didn't get much sleep because Bent was practically on top of me all night and I had to be alert so I didn't roll off the bed, it was so much fun. I can't wait to do it again!

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