Here are some more updates:
* He went for his 15 month checkup on the 8th and everything looks good. I can't really remember the stats (how bad is that?!) but I think he was in 50th on height and 35th on weight. He's definitely thinning out now that he's so active.
* He loves to brush his teeth. If he's in the bathroom when I'm brushing my teeth, he pitches a fit until I pick him up and brush his teeth.
* He finally wears shoes and loves them! He wants to put every single shoe he finds in our house on his feet.
* He is learning so fast! He can say so many more words. He also will attempt to say anything I tell him to and it's so cute!
On another note, my precious niece, Bentley, will be here in about a month! I am so unbelievably excited to have access to a little baby to hold anytime I want to! I will also have my first nephew in about a month and I'm so excited Brayden will have another boy in the family, even though we don't get to see them as often.
Life is busy, but oh so good! :)